Community Board Backs Maspeth Firehouse Landmark Proposal
Community Board Five offered full support in landmarking the firehouse at 56-29 68th Street, in Maspeth. Residents are pushing hard to convince the Landmarks Preservation Commission that the building is worthy of designation. Now the Forum Newsgroup reports that “CB 5 members have agreed to send a letter to the city Landmarks Preservation Commission to…
Community Board Five offered full support in landmarking the firehouse at 56-29 68th Street, in Maspeth. Residents are pushing hard to convince the Landmarks Preservation Commission that the building is worthy of designation. Now the Forum Newsgroup reports that “CB 5 members have agreed to send a letter to the city Landmarks Preservation Commission to back landmarking the firehouse that will turn 100 in 2014.” The board is asking Landmarks to wave the “30-year rule” in regards to the LPC requiring a 30-year minimum in historic relevance. Residents hope that the firehouse’s role in September 11th will count toward designation — this location lost a total of 19 men, more than any other firehouse in New York. The community’s next step will be asking elected officials to write to the LPC to express support of waiving the 30-year rule and of landmarking the structure.
CB5 Backs Plan to Landmark Maspeth Firehouse [The Forum]
An Update on the Efforts to Landmark a Maspeth Fire House [Q’Stoner]
Maspeth Community Looks to Landmark a Local Firehouse [Q’Stoner]
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