
This Saturday, as part of the Jane’s Walk weekend, Urban Upbound’s Bishop Mitchell Taylor will lead a free tour through Queensbridge, North America’s largest public housing development. Taylor, who has lived in and around Queensbridge Houses for the past forty-three years, will discuss the history of the development, the community revitalization efforts, and the effects of the nearby development boom. The tour starts at noon at the 21st Street/Queensbridge F train station and lasts for two hours. Here are all the details.

This morning the New York Daily News reported that the tour, expected to bring in as many as 100 visitors, has left some Queensbridge residents wary. According to the News, “Some residents feared the tour would breach their privacy by bringing unfamiliar faces to their halls and backyards.” But a Jane’s Walk spokesperson insisted that the tour will not interfere with residents’ daily lives, “and could even lead to discussions between them and tourists.”

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