Remember all that debate about astroturf on Cadman Plaza? Gotta say, it didn’t look half bad when we passed by on the first day of March last week. Are people still kvetching about this or have they moved on?
Believe It: Fake Grass For Cadman Plaza [Brownstoner]
Fake Plastic Grass: It Wears the CPCC Out [Brownstoner]

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  1. After being transferred numerous times I spoke with a person in Parks Dept knowledgable about the status of the park. It is expected to open “in a few weeks.” (I post this on 4/18) They are awaiting warmer weather to put the finishing surface on the new jogging path and the new grass that was planted (in side areas) needs to sprout.
    I was told to expect “about 3 weeks” which would put the date in mid-May. See you out there. (though if you ever complained about the fake grass – you can’t come… Ok, you can come – but you just can’t enjoy it.)

  2. “it’s seriously toxic stuff,”

    actually you are absolutely wrong on this. do your research before speaking.

    if it is true, sounds like you must have eaten a ton of it as a kid, cause YOU are the only poster so far on this thread that sounds as though they have developmental problems.

  3. As a dog owner who walks her hound in Fort Greene Park, I wonder how hard it would be to pick up poo from Astroturf? When the hound has tummy aches, I tend to take the whole clump of grass with me so there is very little chance of someone getting it on their shoes. What would I do with the ‘Turf? Hose it down? Sounds impracticle.

  4. Please don’t be so superficial, brownstoner. Synthetic turf uses rubber crumbs from old tires — it’s seriously toxic stuff, with chemicals known to cause developmental delays in children. It also gets hot in summer temps, and it’s very expensive. They justify the cost — much higher than natural turf — by claiming it won’t need maintenance. So they spend capital funds to put it in, and what makes you think they’ll maintain the synthetic turf? In five years, you’ll be complaining that it looks ratty. Oh, yeah, it also smells like rubber. Just wait until summer.

  5. I have to agree with John. What’s really wrong is Cadman Plaza itself. Many dozens of centuries-old buildings, including a couple of of Brooklyn’s original churches and some important Federal frame houses, were sacrificed to a deluded, self-aggrandizing vision of a “Brooklyn Champs Elysees” by 1950s Borough President John Cashmore. This idiotic notion not only obliterated history as well as cultural opportunity, it rendered the main artery of downtown Brooklyn as an utterly dead zone. Are we still kvetching 50 years later? You bet we are.

  6. What do you mean it “looks good”? What if it was fucking orange, or red, or blue? There might be functional ($$$) reasons for this don’t such a witless asswipe. “Looks good!” It was better the other way too. (How long have the cheerleaders actually lived here? Cadman Plaza was a DISASTER from the moment it was minconceived.)

    your neighnor,


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