HDC Celebrates Sunset Park, Greenpoint This Year
The Historic Districts Council announced its selection of “Six to Celebrate” neighborhoods, which the HDC will work with for the next year, providing resources for preservation and helping community activists. It will offer help with documentation, research, zoning, landmarking, publicity and public outreach for local preservation. Two of those neighborhoods the HDC selected are in Brooklyn:…
The Historic Districts Council announced its selection of “Six to Celebrate” neighborhoods, which the HDC will work with for the next year, providing resources for preservation and helping community activists. It will offer help with documentation, research, zoning, landmarking, publicity and public outreach for local preservation. Two of those neighborhoods the HDC selected are in Brooklyn: Sunset Park, where the Sunset Park Landmarks Committee hopes to organize the community and get some of the National Register Historic District protected on a local level, and Greenpoint, where the Preservation Greenpoint group is pushing for an expansion of the now-modest historic district. Congrats to the neighborhoods that will recieve some much-deserved attention! For all the details on the Six to Celebrate program, which happens every year, go here.
Greenpoint photo by *Bitch Cakes*
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