Closing Bell: Forgotten Queens Book Premiere Party Tonight
Tonight, our very own Kevin Walsh (also Forgotten New York author) and the Greater Astoria Historical Society are hosting a book premiere for Forgotten Queens, a chronicling of New York’s largest borough between the years of 1920 and 1950. The book, officially released yesterday, will be for sale at the party. The event is also…

Tonight, our very own Kevin Walsh (also Forgotten New York author) and the Greater Astoria Historical Society are hosting a book premiere for Forgotten Queens, a chronicling of New York’s largest borough between the years of 1920 and 1950. The book, officially released yesterday, will be for sale at the party. The event is also the Greater Astoria Historical Society’s annual Christmas party. It’ll last from 7pm to 8:30pm this evening, all the details live here. And if you can’t make it tonight, you can still buy the book here.
I lived in the same style of house in Ozone Park Queens in the late 90’s, if that’s what they originally looked like then vinyl siding has really taken a toll on South Queens. Most people don’t realize how many historic brick and woodframe houses are sitting unappreciated under awful vinyl, Stucco and faux-stone throughout Queens. Ozone Park, Woodhaven and Richmond Hill must have been beautiful in it’s prime.
Lovely evening! Great entertainment by Astoria’s ‘Saw Lady’