For the past few days there have been 2 police officers on every corner of 50-58th st between 3rd-5th ave in Sunset Park. I chatted with a bunch of cops today and they said there has been a wave of gang crime, especially between the Trinitario’s, Latin Kings and some Mexican gangs. Does anyone have anymore insight on what is going on in Sunset Park with these gangs and the alleged violence? Should this be a concern for new residents in the neighborhood? Any insight would be appreciated!

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  1. @ guikazoid-
    I live on 54th betw 4th and 5th – so Im real curious about the attempted robbery –
    any more info you can share about which house it was, robbers method etc??
    And ya theres been tons of cops around the hood last week or so..something must have happened.
    Thnx alot

  2. I too had noticed an increased police presence in SP. I walk through there all the time, but never have I felt unsafe either early in the morning when I go for a walk or in the evening. I can’t remember which corner, but they’ve got up one of those police cameras, but that’s been put up each summer for a few years now. I would say don’t freak out, but just continue to be aware of your surroundings.

  3. @rick – i agree with you about not experiencing gang activity as well. i lived in sunset park all my life (25 years) and just moved to bay ridge last year. but i find it disturbing when there are 2 cops on every corner.

    @bowl – yea the cops said its just gang on gang violence. a few stabbings in the past few days.

    also- yesterday i was biking around the nabe and a robbery occurred on 54th st and 5th ave. the robber ran into someones house on 54th 4/5 ave. they apprehended him (i actually took a video).

  4. The gangs in Sunset park rarely look for trouble with non-gang members. They keep their “business” amongst themselves. Not sure if this is the case with all gangs, but I have heard this about the ones specific to SP.

  5. Property owners can do something about gangs – Sunset Park and everywhere. Remove graffiti as soon as it appears. Gang markings are not the same as the more colorful and decorative tags and creative impulses of individuals. You can find gang marks on the internet, but it may not be clear the names and histories of these gangs are actually connected to the folks here, maybe ours are just wanabees. Whatever. Gangs mark territory to fight over and do business in. Get rid of territory designations and don’t stop.

  6. All neighborhoods have some crime & gang activity. Sunset Park is no different. I have lived in Sunset Park for the last 13 years and have never experienced “gang activity” or any trouble at all. This is a hard, working class neighborhood with tons of families and their kids. I don’t think any new residents should be very worried or concern about gang activity effecting them.

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