What's Up With The New Building on Myrtle?
A reader sent us this photo of this new building on Myrtle Avenue at Adelphi. We didn’t know anything about it but share his curiosity. As far as we’re concerned, the design works fine for a commercial avenue like Myrtle though we’re not wild about the break in the rooflines. Nothing to get our knickers…

A reader sent us this photo of this new building on Myrtle Avenue at Adelphi. We didn’t know anything about it but share his curiosity. As far as we’re concerned, the design works fine for a commercial avenue like Myrtle though we’re not wild about the break in the rooflines. Nothing to get our knickers in a twist about anyway. Anyone got the goods? Who built it? What’s it being used for? GMAP
I too would be broken-hearted by a B&N/Starbucks on Murder Ave. I’ve been around this stretch for many years, and it has been evolving so nicely. It has such a great small-town feel. Any chain is going to kill that dead. RIP Pluto’s.
A bookstore would be great. I bet the area could even support a good used bookstore, its a bit of hike to any now.
Yes, I’m taking about Myrtle between Carlton and Adelphi. I got all my information from The Pillow Cafe owners on Myrtle and Adelphi as they are apparently trying to stop the Starbucks from possibly coming in. As for the B&N, it would also sell text books which the Pratt Store strength seems to be art supplies, but who knows. Ft. Greene is lacking in book stores, so it would be a welcome addition.
The young guy who owns the shoe store next to the new building told me he’s seen the blueprints for across the street. The plan is for approx. 30 units of affordable housing.
The building to the right of the one above is also a new building, sort of. It (the corner building, at Adelphi and Myrtle) was condemned a long time ago (used to be a drug store), and sat vacant, burned out and condemned for many years, until it and the one next door (the one above) started to be torn down, which was necessary, since they were condemned. But the corner building they actually only tore down to the first floor, whereupon they just started building on top of it, new cement blocks on top of old ones, all covered by a scrim of brown paint. Scary stuff. Sadly, across the street, Pluto’s Triplets just closed in December, one of the last of the great coffee shops on myrtle. Now there’s just the Comfort Kitchen. Goodbye Sammy. I sincerely doubt the rumor of a B & N; that would just about break my heart.
wow, all news to me… and right around the corner from us. I knew Adami had moved and I was sad about the downsizing. but it sounds like they will be expanding. and a new B of A! that’s great for me. i was considering changing banks because it’s been a pain since I moved to brooklyn.
alan- you’re talking about Myrtle btwn Adelphi and Carlton for the new Pratt buildings?
While a b&n right there would make me drool. I also doubt that since Pratt just opened an art/book store a couple blocks away.
Why would Pratt build a new bookstore if they just built a bookstore a little bit further down Myrtle?
The buildings across the street from this building on Myrtle are boarded up, because Pratt Institute is purchasing all the buildings, not renewing leases, razing the buildings, and then building a brand new combination bookstore/Barnes & Noble for the students, with a possible Starbucks.
The old Adami is going to be Bank of America. I’ve never gotten any helpful advice from the people working at the hardware store, and they seem to be overpriced too, however, it’s nice to have them nearby, even though it would help if they were open on Sundays.