A reader sent us this photo of this new building on Myrtle Avenue at Adelphi. We didn’t know anything about it but share his curiosity. As far as we’re concerned, the design works fine for a commercial avenue like Myrtle though we’re not wild about the break in the rooflines. Nothing to get our knickers in a twist about anyway. Anyone got the goods? Who built it? What’s it being used for? GMAP

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  1. Isn’t Kush in the row of stores on the last block of Putnam from Grand to Cambridge where it runs into Fulton at the laundromat? And wasn’t it posted that they are going to be replaced by a high-end apartment building?

  2. I’m just hoping and praying for the best. Bodegas are not charming – gourmet groceries who cater to the neighborhoods increasingly upscale clientele are. The bodegas, for the most part, invite and tolerate loiters and other “no gooders”, especially on Fulton. It’s just bad business – creates a very unwelcoming environment.

  3. As someone who has had a business relationship with B&N for over a decade, I’ll eat my hat the day they open a store on Myrtle. Which is not to say they aren’t hugely RE savvy — it’s been the path to their complete dominance of the NYC market. I often hear from folks who long to see interesting independent bookstores open up in their neighborhoods. Truth is, the profit margin in bookselling averages about 1-3% (no kidding — it’s an industry stat) and many people see them more as a venue to drink coffee, use their laptop, and browse but not buy. Sorry to sound peevish but if there’s any message here, it’s an exhortation for everyone to put their money where their mouth is when a local business opens up that they like.

  4. I second the hope that development on Fulton will take off. And, I also incorrectly guessed many moons ago that Fulton would take off before Myrtle. True, we have Bodegas and a nice wine shop (Olives, I think), and further down Outpost Cafe (closer to Downing), but decent shops and services are dreadfully slow in coming…

  5. One the advice of another poster here I tried Kush for lunch and thought it was really good. The food took a while but only because they cooked it all to order. I agree we need more good restaurants in the neighborhood but BrownBomber if you haven’t been, you should check Kush out. Easily the best restaurant between Vanderbilt and Classon (not exactly high praise, I know). Sorry to be off topic.

  6. ‘Stoner, have any info on development projects on Fulton Avenue, specifically east of Vanderbilt Avenue? If I was a betting man, I would have bet my life that Fulton would’ve taken off faster than Myrtle! I was dreadfully wrong! Fulton between Vanderbilt and Classon is in dire need of business development. Would it kill anyone to open up a charming restaurant or cafe in that neck of CH?!?!?!

  7. i hope brownstoner continues to start up discussions on the development of Myrtle since everyone seems to be in the loop but me. my first choice would be a D’agastinos or nice grocery. well if I’m dreaming here, I might as well wish for a Trader Joe’s…

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