Sidewalk Covering A Few Days Late
Photographer Tracy Collins, who took this shot of Ratner’s lackeys putting up a scaffolding at Ward’s Bakery last Saturday, hit the nail on the head when he titled the photo “Better Late Than Never.” Better Late Thank Never [Flickr]
Photographer Tracy Collins, who took this shot of Ratner’s lackeys putting up a scaffolding at Ward’s Bakery last Saturday, hit the nail on the head when he titled the photo “Better Late Than Never.”
Better Late Thank Never [Flickr]
well, anon at 9:29 pm, only an ignorant, poorly educated, and totally lacking in wit person such as yourself would know that Union rules demand certain safety standards be followed by their members. An I personally happen to know that 99% of Union people take those safety precautions seriously- most especially the hard hat rule. So if anyone should STFU it is most definitely you.
Why jump the gun you idiots? What proof do you have that these workers are not union workers? NONE! So STFU!!!
Well- it’s very interesting about using (or not) Union labor . BUILD bought into the AY deal by being given money by ratner supposedly to train local people in construction and get them jobs. 10 a year (ooohhh such big numbers for that money). The workers would be able to join the union once they go through the program. Hmmm- perhaps a little note dropped to the construction unions might be needed. And to BUILD as well. Or was this yet another ratner ploy to buy off the community?
My problem with the Wacky Lackeys is that there doesn’t seem to be a decent bod in the bunch. Don’t construction workers have to live up to some basic standard of masculine pulchritude? Think I’ll head on down there and talk to them about those beer guts, unlike Sissy-Boy Brownstoner.
Yet another promise broken. If they can’t employ union laborers at this stage in the process, what hope do we have that they will honor any of their promises for public good (i.e., jobs, affordable housing, etc). AY = Empty promises and bold-faced lies.
Yes. they DEFINATELY look like LACKEYS. but that is a Nice term. First of all they were working on a Saturday.
No hard hats is against OSHA safety rules at a construction site. Looks like RATner is not using union labor….maybe RATner will be getting an inflatable RAT or two over there shortly.
Good point about the hardhats. I guess this is an indication that ratner doesn’t care if his workers are safe or not either
hee hee, ‘sissy boy.’ whew, it’s a slow day all around ain’t it?
you responded quite well, brownstoner, to those who called you out on your elitism. well played. remember, some people dislike wealthy wall streeters making sport of other, less affluent workers. carry your wealth and education with a little humility.