Ever since breaking the news of its demolition last month, Curbed, with the help of its Brooklyn correspondent and Gowanus Lounge proprietor Bob Guskind, has been all over the Revere Sugar Factory story. We, on the other hand, haven’t had a whole lot to contribute on the subject. Stumbling across this photo on Flickr, however, we wondered how many readers have been able to wander by since demo began and how seeing it first hand made you feel. Nostalgic? Sad? Excited for the future? Pray do tell.
Thor’s Hand Slowly Diminishing Red Hook’s Revere Dome [Curbed]
As Revere Approaches Death, An Amazing Look Inside [Curbed]
Photo by f.trainer

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  1. I preferred the Revere cone to what I suppose will come in it’s place: generic builings. We could see the sugar refinery from all over Red Hook and it was a landmark that is sadly going.

  2. 10:56, 12:51 here. What a freaking genius you must be to draw a comparison between the disastrous destruction of the old Penn Station and the tearing down of a rusted aluminum industrial cone. Jesus, love you knee jerk reactionaries and your smug sense of smugness. Maybe they’ll put up an new abandoned industrial site in place of the cone to make you happy.

  3. 12:51 & 12:53
    it is knuckle heads like you that said the same thing about the old Penn Station,
    and look at the kind of crap we have there now.

    madison square garden?? ugly disposable mid-century architecture, the TV dinner of its day. Salsbury steak anyone?

  4. As a RH resident, I’m disapointed it’s coming down. It’s a beautiful old industrial building and I was hoping Thor would preserve the cone in some way and repurpose it. There had been at times mentions from their camp of turning it into some kind of performance space and making this a culture and arts center. I’d rather that, than a Legal Seafood, which has also been mentioned.

  5. Funny, 12:51! I don’t get it either. It’s just a rusted out vestige of a defunct factory, hardly worth a second thought.

    I’d like to see the nearby grain terminal go next.

  6. I’ve been doing some research…with this post there is officially more coverage of the Revere demo on Curbed than there was of the Kennedy assasination on all the networks combined.