Is a large-scale development finally in store for the long-stalled site at 341 Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights? This recently renewed building permit could lead one to believe so. In 2007 we pulled up this rendering for the site; however, a little Googling leads to another design (above) by IBZ Design. Still, there’s no way to say for sure that construction is on the horizon, since new building permits for the site have been coming through sporadically since 2008.
Development Watch: 333 Eastern Parkway [Brownstoner] GMAP DOB

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  1. yes, this does just look like a renewal.

    However, the fact that the neighborhood continues to generate profits for developers bodes well for this site being built.

    ….the sooner the better.

  2. The developers dug that pit and left it in that state for years. That corner was home to a number of thriving businesses, including the office of Wilson Desir, former Haitian General Counsul under Aristide.

    Desir provided immigration and empolyment assistance to generations of Haitian migrants living in Brooklyn.

    Desir passed some time ago, but I am not cheering the loss of that space in exchange for luxury rentals.

  3. For those who live in the area a building would be a big improvement over the pit we’ve lived with for several years.
    However it appears that the permit is just a renewal of the permit to maintain a construction fence around the site. I don’t think this indicates any imminent work.

  4. Maybe the owner decided to renew the permit after seeing that that 1+million sale for a 2 bedroom unit on Classon a couple of blocks away. I don’t love the design, and it is way out of character with the neighborhood, but it would be great to fill that hole with a building.

  5. I’m one of the few fans of the Meier building, but this is completely out of context. It will sit at the end of a row of two family limestones, which in fairness need a bit of spit and polish, but that’s not the issue. It’s hard to judge from the rendering but that building seems way too large for that lot.

  6. Given that the Meier building is up at the end of Eastern Parkway….I suppose that this building’s design will make the second modern/contemporary building on Eastern Parkway. It is wildly out of context with the rest of the buildings on the entirety of Eastern Parkway.
