"Rat Tsunami" Near Atlantic Yards?
On Friday Prospect Heights Patch covered the meeting on the rodent problem near Atlantic Yards. There were some noteworthy horror stories from the 75 residents who showed up, including those of “rats taking over the Dean Street Playground, dragging food under the hoods of cars causing fires, eating car insulation and burrowing through walls into…
On Friday Prospect Heights Patch covered the meeting on the rodent problem near Atlantic Yards. There were some noteworthy horror stories from the 75 residents who showed up, including those of “rats taking over the Dean Street Playground, dragging food under the hoods of cars causing fires, eating car insulation and burrowing through walls into homes.” One resident claimed a rat crawled up her leg in her backyard, while another said, “We don’t have a normal rat problem, we have a rat tsunami.” A rep from the Department of Health collected a list of problem spots and said he would work on them the next day, while ESDC reps are adding rat baits to the construction site. Forest City Ratner told Patch that the rat problem was “beginning long before construction started” but would look into the community’s requests. Placing baits outside the construction area and adding more trash cans to neighborhood blocks were apparently outside of ESDC’s jurisdiction.
AY Rat Meeting Elicits Lots of Horror Stories, Few Solutions [PH Patch]
If that were my backyard, i’m sure i’d be more than ticked off. Mr. savior of “urban blight” through eminent domain for fun and profit has kicked these creatures out of their homes and needs to be on this….. yesterday.
i must admit, as much as we humans get freaked out about pests, i have guilt after seeing Ratatouille. Absolutely no guilt about cockroaches though.