Permits were just renewed for the unfinished project at 340 Dean Street, between 3rd and 4th avenues. The new building application—for an eight-unit Scarano design—was first approved in 2007. Construction has been stalled for a while now, but it appears that the original plans are still in place. This is a block away from the eye-catching new development 396 Dean. GMAP DOB

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  1. well, that was certainly entertaining folks. The pithy prize goes to whoever made the comment about dictator balconies. That was sweet. The rest of you need a little lesson in creativity since civility left on the morning bus.

  2. @benson: Do know about 40 years ago, but 30 years ago and certainly 25 years ago, there was no relationship between the school and the block. The school was clearly troubled (and since closed, replaced by the highly sought after Brooklyn HS of the Arts) It was a dumping ground for all of north and central Brooklyn (and a dumping ground for principals as well). No one who attended that school lived in the neighborhood. Whats more the kids did not hang out in the street after school. They dispersed as soon as they could get out the doors.

    «Well, I assume it’s all sash double-hung mullioned in a grid, though right?? ;)» Well probably in a grid, but that’s as far as I’ll go. By the way, the building is actually 4 Scarano stories. Each (except for the first floor) is double height with a mezzanine. The ground floor units have a “rec. room” at the cellar level. There are balconies in the back too.

  3. “Benson, so your parents, with you in the back seat, swooped onto the far end of the block to pick up your sister, and swooped out, back to Gravesend, over 40 years ago, yet you know more about the block than the guy who’s lived there for the last 25 years.”


    I did not say that I know more about this block than Bobjbklyn. By his own words, he has lived there for 25 years. I was reporting on the condition of that block when my sister when to the school there 40 years ago. We are talking about different periods of time.

    Also, my father picked her up after work, as I stated above. He picked her up right in front of the building.

  4. Benson, so your parents, with you in the back seat, swooped onto the far end of the block to pick up your sister, and swooped out, back to Gravesend, over 40 years ago, yet you know more about the block than the guy who’s lived there for the last 25 years. Right.

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