At 195 Humboldt Street, the signature mix of glass, metal and mezzanines screams “Scarano” and, sure ‘nuf, it is. This East Williamsburg development is relatively small, weighing in at four stories and about 14,500 square feet. Given the ceiling heights you can bet there are some sizeable sleeping lofts at the rear of these apartments. As far as we can tell, there have been no Stop Work Orders or other buildings violations to date, so maybe the relative remoteness of this one has allowed it to elude detection. Or maybe the mezzanines are actually on the up-and-up. On a related note, the photog who posted this shot on Flickr notes that it is next door to a youth hostel, but our cursory Google search yielded no info. What’s the deal?
New Building Next to Hostel [Flickr] GMAP P*Shark DOB

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  1. Ah, Anonymous.
    So much trouble over the centuries you have caused, and here you are again. You do get around.

    If one says “word is … blah” it means they are passing on rumor, that is, unsubstantiated information. Relax.

    The guy couldn’t explain to me what the nature of the problem was. Either he didn’t know or didn’t know how to put it in specific terms.
    My *best guess* was a rear yard issue. Sorry if my command of the building code is no match for yours. I yield.

    This lot is about two feet narrower than the ones on Manhattan.
    The building is delayed over six months, and the expectation now (conveyed from seller’s agent to a buyer) is that it could be another six months, or never.

    Those are the only facts i have.

    If you know more, either share it or don’t. But everybody could do without your obnoxious posturing.

  2. 10:13 its the same old story to much talk not enough thought. C of O’s take time in NYC especially under the rantings of crazy people. OK. now you are informed.

    In the future don’t speak about what you are not sure of yourself. That’s how you get in trouble.

  3. 199 Humboldt.
    Standing there empty after all this time.

    It is indeed similar to 158-160 Manhattan, which has a CO, and closings are happening soon (or already?).
    Word is that DOB has some serious issue with 199 Humboldt, and it may not be approved in its current state. Possibly something to do with the rear setback, and thus not fixable by buying air rights from a neighboring lot.

    While it is definitely run-down, this is not a “rough block”, people have jobs here — try it some time.

    Also, the poultry place never smells. No idea how they manage that trick but it is impressive! They should tell the others.

  4. Welcome to the new world. The one most of you will never be able to enjoy unless more of your relatives die and leave you money to live off because you do not work, are rude, ugly, ill mannered and probably suck in bed. But let me not speak about that artist less graphic, Lost in his own world of Brooklyn.

    Glass is good,brick is bad.

  5. I’m sure people have asked this before me, but how energy-efficient are these wall of window apartments?

    My other question is how do I get into the custom window coverings business. Somewhere in Brooklyn it must be booming.

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