Wednesday Links
Fort Greene’s Week in Crime [NY Times] Gambino Geezer Guilty of Racketeering [NY Post] Classical Music Push at PS 321 [NY Daily News] NYC College Tech Constructs Safety Facility [NY Daily News] F Train Weekend Shuttles Done for Now [Brooklyn Paper] Ground Broken on Kensington Green Library [Brooklyn Eagle] Group Wants City to Buy Up…

Fort Greene’s Week in Crime [NY Times]
Gambino Geezer Guilty of Racketeering [NY Post]
Classical Music Push at PS 321 [NY Daily News]
NYC College Tech Constructs Safety Facility [NY Daily News]
F Train Weekend Shuttles Done for Now [Brooklyn Paper]
Ground Broken on Kensington Green Library [Brooklyn Eagle]
Group Wants City to Buy Up Failed Condos [Gotham Gazette]
Photo by CrystalConscious
I’ll never forget, about 18 years ago when I had just moved here from the Midwest, I did something similarly stupid. I worked for a State Senator at the time and had community meetings in Harlem fairly frequently. One night after a meeting, I went to a bar with some colleagues and left my purse unattended at my bar stool to take a shot at pool. My back might have been turned for 40 seconds. I discovered about 5 minutes later that 500 bucks in cash had been lifted from my wallet. Rent was due the next morning. I nearly vomited. I also NEVER walked about with that kind of cash in my wallet again (always, always on me somewhere) and never again left my purse unattended at a bar.
She probably just cashed a check and was carrying it with her for the rent due this weekend. Lots of people don’t have checking accounts, I’ve learned.
ha. good point. i actually do the same, i cash my check at the bank normally but if it’s closed i cash it at a check cashing place, since i pay my rent in cash. not sure why i pay my rent and bills and cash, but i always have and it feels right. well in any case, i wish i had her rent
She probably just cashed a check and was carrying it with her for the rent due this weekend. Lots of people don’t have checking accounts, I’ve learned.
Sorry Bxgirl…the cut out has been sold! If only I had gotten to it first, you would have been quite happy this holiday season! 🙂
So snappy- can I tell you which cut-out I want for Xmas- seein’ as I convinced MM to give you her MOST FAVORITE and PRECIOUS cat you now have??? 🙂
I know it’s still technically theft, but damn…I wouldn’t walk away from $5 let alone $640. Darwin award perhaps?
Snappy – its still theft – no-one writing here would take it would we?
But she still should get an award for stupidity going above and beyond the call of duty.
Why is it called ‘theft’ when you walk away from your wallet like that? I call it ‘giving it away.’ No one deserves to lose money like that, but come on people. Common sense!
Think about how sick and upset that lady was with herself after coming back and noticing the wallet was stolen. I know I’d be.
Oh, and ditto on Nokilissa’s point. Just b/c you’re protective of Fort Greene doesn’t mean crime doesn’t happen there.