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  1. I’ll never forget, about 18 years ago when I had just moved here from the Midwest, I did something similarly stupid. I worked for a State Senator at the time and had community meetings in Harlem fairly frequently. One night after a meeting, I went to a bar with some colleagues and left my purse unattended at my bar stool to take a shot at pool. My back might have been turned for 40 seconds. I discovered about 5 minutes later that 500 bucks in cash had been lifted from my wallet. Rent was due the next morning. I nearly vomited. I also NEVER walked about with that kind of cash in my wallet again (always, always on me somewhere) and never again left my purse unattended at a bar.

  2. quote:
    She probably just cashed a check and was carrying it with her for the rent due this weekend. Lots of people don’t have checking accounts, I’ve learned.

    ha. good point. i actually do the same, i cash my check at the bank normally but if it’s closed i cash it at a check cashing place, since i pay my rent in cash. not sure why i pay my rent and bills and cash, but i always have and it feels right. well in any case, i wish i had her rent


  3. Think about how sick and upset that lady was with herself after coming back and noticing the wallet was stolen. I know I’d be.

    Oh, and ditto on Nokilissa’s point. Just b/c you’re protective of Fort Greene doesn’t mean crime doesn’t happen there.

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