Wednesday Blogwrap
Why Isn’t Everyone Using the East River Ferry? [Gothamist] Search for Killed Worker’s Family Continues [The Local] 5-Borough Protest Planned Against Stop and Frisk Thursday [BS Patch] Leon Goldstein H.S. Named Best High School in Brooklyn [Sheepshead Bites] Councilman Announces October “Cortelyou Road Traffic Calming Forum” [DPC] NY National Guard Empire Shield to Remain at…

Why Isn’t Everyone Using the East River Ferry? [Gothamist]
Search for Killed Worker’s Family Continues [The Local]
5-Borough Protest Planned Against Stop and Frisk Thursday [BS Patch]
Leon Goldstein H.S. Named Best High School in Brooklyn [Sheepshead Bites]
Councilman Announces October “Cortelyou Road Traffic Calming Forum” [DPC]
NY National Guard Empire Shield to Remain at Fort Hamilton [Bay Ridge Odyssey]
Photo by jerry56
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