vandy-medians-06-2008.JPG vandy-bike-lanes.JPG
The DOT has been digging up the middle of Vanderbilt Avenue on stretches north of Grand Army Plaza and installing landscaped medians along the thoroughfare. The work is part of a series of traffic calming measures on Vanderbilt that also includes new bike lanes (right). Some people on Brooklynian have noted that workers have been uncovering the remains of old trolley tracks during their digs.
What’s Happening in the Middle of Vandy? [Brooklynian] GMAP

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  1. “Plus if you are going south on Vanderbilt you can’t turn left on Atlantic Ave. This crap creates a nightmare on Pacific and Atlantic.”

    This confuses me. The medians stop a block before Atlantic at Pacific. Are you just griping about a different issue and including it here because it’s also on Vanderbilt, or is this somehow related to the medians?

    Also, with all of the doomsdaying about the subprime mess, why not do the same with gas? Talking points could include: gas is getting more expensive, soon all of you entitled drivers will be walking/biking, speculative hedge fund traders are driving up the price of gas (there are several articles you could provide links to), comparisons to Mad Max (Atlantic Yards as Thunderdome etc), LMMFAO, and so on.

  2. Posted by: guest at June 2, 2008 3:19 PM

    Ok then… How you make a street near a Stadium narrower? If there is a event the street will be congested, Right? Also it would put pressure on the other streets (Bergen, Dean and Pacific). Image the noise and traffic after a NETS game? From 10:30 to whatever you will have loud traffic coming down your street. If you make Vanderbuilt 2 lanes in both directions, it will make the traffic situation better.

    ” RIght now it is an extremely unpleasant pedestrian environment largely because the street is so wide and there’s not enough greenery. ”

    If you want “more greenery” then go to Prospect Park. You can graze for days.

    “Only an idiot like the fake what could possibly see this otherwise.”

    I will not use Ad-Hominem attacks. I will just state my position and use points to support them.

    “Hey Mr. Fake What – take your suburban mindset back to Lodi and leave us alone. ”

    If I had a “suburban mindset” I would be in favor of this project.

    The What

    Someday this war is gonna end…

  3. As a PH resident, I am happy to see these medians. Vanderbilt already looks nicer and has gotten more bars, restaurants, and shops over the past few years.

    I agree that the above person is a fake What. The grammar is too proper for it to be the true What, who has the writing skills of a six year old child.

  4. It’s going to be an unpleasant pedestrian experience for a while becasue the driving experience is vehicle after vehicle double parked in the only driving lane. And the What makes a good point (see you can make good points if you don’t choke on your own venom) about what the alleged stadium will do.

  5. Excellent point, 3:19.

    I actually think that’s the real What, though. Something about the tone. Kind of hard to fake. Also, it’s pretty funny that now that the What has a certain city-wide stature, the way he gets put down is to accuse him of inauthenticity. Heh.

  6. 3:19 – i agree completely.

    even when the arena is going to be built, i really don’t see who’s going to be driving down vanderbuilt anyway…what to go back home to park slope??

    uh, no. they’d walk.

  7. Hey Mr. Fake What – take your suburban mindset back to Lodi and leave us alone. Vanderbilt Ave is the main thoroughfare of Prospect heights – with all sorts of interesting restaurants and shops. RIght now it is an extremely unpleasant pedestrian environment largely because the street is so wide and there’s not enough greenery. Narrowing the roadbed and adding landscaping will make Vanderbilt a more pleasant pedestrian experience which is really what this area needs. Go look up the concept of “induced demand” if you want to understand why widening the road for cars doesn’t make any sense. If you make it easier for people to get to Atlantic Yards by car, then they will drive. But if you make it a nightmare to drive to AY then people will get out of their cars and take one of the 15 subway lines or LIRR lines that conveniently stop within block of the stadium.

    The City is doing the right thing here – it’s good news. Only an idiot like the fake what could possibly see this otherwise.

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