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  1. Well said, morralkan. I can’t imagine Bloomberg appointing a media hack to run Legal Aid or the DA’s office, so why did he do so for the DOE? During the biggest budget crisis of our time, he hires this incompetent moron and then pays for her to have a professional babysitter. Can’t wait ’til Bloomberg is out. I’m now ashamed that I voted for him.

  2. I see that the DOE’s new chancellor spent all of about 45 minutes visiting the Medgar Evers school. I guess she’s so educationally knowledgable now that less than an hour suffices to visit 3 classes (see Daily News article), meet with parents, students, and the principal, and hold a press conference. She’s a freakin’ WONDERWOMAN !

    This appointment is such a joke. This bimbo has announced that she wants to change tenure so that she can keep the young, enthusiastic teachers and get rid of the old farts if staff must be downsized. In the meantime, at 66, she older than virtually EVERY teacher in the system. If anyone is too old for this job, it’s Cathy Black! Of course, Bloomberg won’t admit his error, just as he won’t admit the 800% overrun and rampant graft on the cost of his timekeeping system. Emperor Bloomberg is SUCH a fantastic manager!

  3. “New residential buildings along the Williamsburg waterfront are required by city zoning to use unionized workers, but the celebrated Austin Nichols Warehouse was exempted because it was merely renovated into apartments.”

    that’s gangsta. might explain why pricing is so high and seemingly out of touch with the market on the waterfront.

    “It’s unclear why they were rehired. The building’s manager who did the original firing has been quietly dismissed, as was a superintendent.”
