The Best of Brownstoner 2009
I’ve been asked, so here it is – your chance to share what you think were the best stories, the best discussions, and finest moments on Brownstoner in 2009. Those less than stellar moments can be shared as well, but please remember this is all in fun. If you’d like the rest of us to…

I’ve been asked, so here it is – your chance to share what you think were the best stories, the best discussions, and finest moments on Brownstoner in 2009. Those less than stellar moments can be shared as well, but please remember this is all in fun. If you’d like the rest of us to see the post, please put a link in your comments.
Graphic by Bxgrl
Wanted dead or alive:
Jack Slade
Thread Killer
The best brownstoner wolf pack attack was the Awaye realty threads pt 1 and 2.
The best act of savagery was the homeowner’s facebook link.
The biggest back fire on brownstoner was banning the What. Asshat hill is riot.
Happy New Year all.
Jack Slade
cobble and bxgrl…….
gotchas! te he he
[escapes through secret hatchway
leading to tunnel beneath Times Square]
What is CRAFT disease? Oh, wait…now I get it! LOL!
“And speaking of brilliant, does anyone remember Cobble’s OT explanation of how she is saving the PLUSA organization money?”
Snappy just brought this up in the OT, someone is now going to have to find this! ‘Cause I have a serious case of C.R.A.F.T disease!
I remember that! I laughed so hard tears ran out of my eyes. I also remember her putting down a troll- I wish I could remember everything she said but I think she started out by calling him pimple-faced, went through how he lived in his mother’s basement subsisting on potato chips and cheetos and pretty much stomped him into the ground, let the dog crap on him then tossed him into the river with cement boots. It was brilliant.
And speaking of brilliant, does anyone remember Cobble’s OT explanation of how she is saving the PLUSA organization money? That still remains one of my all time favorites.
Jessi- I made a mug for MM last Xmas (2008) with a proud PBA on it. The Ass is wearing period appropriate attire.
“The What/MM quote reminded me of when the What told MM to blow him and she responded she didn’t like wienies!”
Oh g*d, that was too good wasn’t it!!
The What/MM quote reminded me of when the What told MM to blow him and she responded she didn’t like wienies!
mopar here’s the bread thread:
ps. what does DH stand for?