A recently released results of survey by the Park Slope Civic Council call for converting two main arteries off the Grand Army Plaza traffic circle from one-way streets to two-way. Despite the addition of traffic lights at previously unsignaled intersections, residents voiced strong opinions about the danger of speeding cars on both Eighth Avenue and Prospect Park West. The consensus from the workshop [pdf] is that much more needs to be done, said Michael Cairl, chair of the Civic Council’s Livable Streets Committee. We know that these proposed changes won’t satisfy everyone, but we’re convinced that restoring two-way traffic flow to Eighth Avenue and Prospect Park West is the best way to … make these streets safer for all users, said Eric McClure of Park Slope Neighbors. Reactions?
Eighth Ave and PPW Should Go Both Ways [Brooklyn Paper]

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  1. And if, as your analogy suggests, cars, trucks, their occupants and their contents are just so much shit to be flushed, then you’re right. Also, as a frequent cyclist, I strongly disagree with your suggestion that two-way streets are safer for bikes. That hasn’t been my experience at all.

  2. Ah, knew somebody would bring up the twaddle about ‘more efficient’ and ‘process traffic’. Yes, if roads are meant to be car sewers, you’re right. If quality of life and pedestrian environment and cycling safety etc mean anything, NO. Old style traffic engineers have basically one goal…move them cars fast…and cannot being to comprehend psychological and aesthetic factors in designing streets.

    Conflicting movements…such as double parking and potential U-turns?…they also calm traffic as you have watch out for them.

    Signal progression causes motorists to try to game the timing, so even slow signals cause problems. 2-way streets have randomized greens, so they automatically calm traffic.

  3. doldrums – the only thing that is proven by the fact that your neighbros agree with you isthat they ALSO don’t understand how traffic works. PLease stop bringing them up.

    There’s a big flaw in your logic. If PPW is made 2-way then it’s true that the street can be accessed more easily from more streets (like from PPSW). BUT (and this is the important part so pay attention) – the number of lanes going southbound (the current direction) will have to be cut in half in order accomadate these new northbound lanes. Half the southbound lanes means half the southbound traffic. Actually even less than half the southbound traffic b/c southbound traffic will now be moving more slowly since they are now on a 2-way street. So the additional traffic brought to the street bythis new access from PPSW is MORE THAN OFFSET by the reduction in the current traffic. Get it?

    Sparafucile – I agree that 2-way 8th ave is a bad idea. I’m really talking about PPW here, which is a wider street, I believe.

  4. One-way streets are much more efficient. They can process more traffic, with fewer accidents, because you’ve eliminated conflicting movements. If 8th Avenue is two-way, all it takes is one car waiting to make a left turn to bring traffic in that direction to a head halt. If you want to slow the traffic, then time the signal light progression accordingly.

    You can’t have a signal progression on a two-way street, so you get far more cars idling even without the backups caused by left turns, and therefore much more pollution.

    If your goal is to have streets serve their transportation function of allowing people, including motorists, to get where they’re going, this is a bad idea.

  5. “doldrum should take comfort with that traffic commissioner (forget his name) who presented the tone-deaf plan to convert 6th/7th to one-way; he actually claimed 1) the traffic is as slow on 1 way streets as 2-; and 2) that there are fewer vehicle-ped accidents when turning left as the ped only has to check out one side. My reaction is that if a ped does not look both ways before crossing a 2-way street, it’s better he’s out of the gene pool.’

    PPW is a different kettle of fish. It will attract many more vehicles when it is 2 way as many cars cannot access it directly from PPW SW or the Prospect Expressway. More cars , more potential accidents, especially with the crazy drivers , who will cut off anyone in their way for a parking space. This sentiment is shared by many of my neighbors who emailed me about this yesterday before I was even aware of the petition. Also, more congestion = more noise for those living nearby.

  6. doldrum should take comfort with that traffic commissioner (forget his name) who presented the tone-deaf plan to convert 6th/7th to one-way; he actually claimed 1) the traffic is as slow on 1 way streets as 2-; and 2) that there are fewer vehicle-ped accidents when turning left as the ped only has to check out one side. My reaction is that if a ped does not look both ways before crossing a 2-way street, it’s better he’s out of the gene pool.

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