satc-04-2008.jpgIt makes you wonder: Now that much of Manhattan has turned into a theme park version of “Sex and the City,” would Carrie Bradshaw and the gang still live on the island? Probably not, since Manhattan is as played out as a pair of last season’s Manolos. “It’s expensive, and it’s not what it used to be,” Sarah Jessica Parker tells the Daily News. “That’s why the outer boroughs are so desirable. The outer boroughs are pretty sexy. It’s just a matter of time before they have their own shows.” According to the article, “If ‘Sex’ were starting over today, Carrie would rock out Carroll Gardens. BFF Miranda started out in Park Slope, but later, she’s bound to settle down with Steve, Brady and a brand new car in spacious Red Hook,” while Samantha would roost in Long Island City and Charlotte would play house in Riverdale. The article has quotes from Brooklyn residents who say stuff like, “Carroll Gardens or Williamsburg have a little bit of the hip edge that Carrie has, so she’d be able to get away with her funky outfits and no one would think twice about it.” Hip, edgy, less expensive than Manhattan: You heard it here first, folks. Also, the apocalypse is nigh.
Trendsetters Set Their Sights on Hip Alterna-Nabes [NY Daily News]
Photo by spinachdip.

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  1. Dave, I think it went well.

    10:37, just because you can’t answer the teacher’s question, don’t be a hater. Go to another discussion. You don’t have to read anything we post, including this. Lighten up and move on…

  2. Here’s the problem. Nobody wants to have to read thru 50 posts about which of you is a top vs a bottom. You know that kid who raised his hand for every question and took up 95% of the oxygen in the room? That’s you! So shut it already. I dont’ care if people don’t stay 100% on topic. I do care about having to read what is really a private conversation btw 3 people. Take it to a chat room.

  3. (211th post)

    I’m not blaming anyone for anything other than for attacking me without contributing anything to the discussion, much like 9:20 and 9:21 just did.

    It’s a jack move to try to talk about the story and have some fun? Ok, guilty as charged, smarty pants. And I was talking about the minor exception in relation to the couple of posts I had in another discussion. Please more closely read what I said next time if you’re going to comment on it.

  4. 4:45#2/6:09/8:50/10:19/12:22 and the rest of the faded type haters who say nothing about the topic and just complain…

    Here’s a thought: why don’t you add a post that is ON POINT if it interests you? If it doesn’t what are you still doing reading posts here? Why would you stay if a) you have no thoughts on the story and b) don’t want to read other comments on the topic?

    Take a page out of 8:31’s book and talk about your own interesting experiences or LEAVE!

    Regarding the “hijacking”, we pretty much stayed clear of every other discussion with with a minor exception under the muffin topic and a few other random thoughts in other topics.

    As I said under the muffin thread, we’re just trying to have fun while we DO make points on the topic at hand and we’ll continue to try to have constructive input in other topics and not be afraid to lighten things up occasionally.

    So if you decide to stay here, you should at least try to add an original thought.

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