quotation-icon.jpgIn Wasilla, a comparable home would be more horizontally oriented, clad in aluminum, and perched on wheels and/or cinder blocks. But with the de rigeur meth lab, it would be a more profitable investment than this place.
— by SnarkSlope in House of the Day: 47 Sidney Place

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  1. tradionalmod

    You are so far out there I don’t even know where to begin. Abortion is a complex issue, and while I personally believe it should be legal, I do understand and appreciate why people think that it is wrong. An enlightened, political realist should acknowledge this fact and tread carefully. Millions of people consider abortion tantamount to genocide and consider your view as barbaric as those who supported slavery in the past. You’re accusation of Republicans killing those with whom they disagree is nonsensical and ridiculous. Considering Republicans controlled congress for only about 18 years in the past CENTURY – what would be the point?

    We are at a crisis point in this nation where there seems to be no way to reconcile ideals between the populace. The political polarization is reaching crisis proportions – much more so than in the early 1860s.

    Which brings us to Wasder

    I had to look up your reference, but no – I don’t believe the comparison is valid. I’m a realist fairly devoted to empiricism in the realm of public policy. I consider the dominant Republican foreign policy positions as of late as preposterous as the many failed social programs espoused by Democrats. Both parties can’t seem to acknowledge they are failures and move forward.

    I completely reject any black and white thinking regarding political parties, as the level of corruption and deceit in both has now become comical. It is time to stop advocating parties and start discussing policy. We need to specifically address what has worked, and what hasn’t. Americans have become so enamored with party politics and ideology they can’t distance themselves from the political debate to honestly examine the positives and negatives of a particular position.

    Republicans aren’t evil and Democrats aren’t evil. The people who are evil are those who react to any dissent by dehumanizing or otherwise demeaning their opponents as traditionalmod has today. They are evil because they attack the very foundation of our political system and destabilize one of the last places on earth where the people can still freely debate public policy as we do here.

  2. not pay more taxes!? then how will i get my free healthcare and education and babybonds and welfare and icecream that obama is promising me?!

  3. And, I’m not provoking. I’m responding to your original narrow minded view of Republicans and your belief that they have been the sole cause of problems across America for the past 50 years. The latter of which I debunked above at 12:48

  4. Yes exactly. The Republicans got in league with people who espouse hate and intolerance, who want to teach creationism in schools and make abortion illegal, just for votes so the very rich don’t have to pay more taxes, even to pay off the largest deficit we’ve ever had, for a war only they wanted. You hit the nail on the head, there.

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