You asked for it, you got it. Here’s your open thread for the day, where you are welcome to talk about anything you want. Let’s still try to keep it PG-13 and as polite as possible. This should be interesting!

You asked for it, you got it. Here’s your open thread for the day, where you are welcome to talk about anything you want. Let’s still try to keep it PG-13 and as polite as possible. This should be interesting!
Ooh interesting mopar, good luck with your decision! Like the original kitchen idea – when you choose will you share photos?
It’s a Wonderful Life is so great! I haven’t seen it yet this year, but I will!
The ‘spirit’ has been a little slow in coming to me this year – but it’s starting to throw little sparks here and there!
(I mean fabulous to us, of course. It’s all relative.) (Also I’m obsessed with original kitchens.)
Oh poo mist, I had to file a story, and missed all this. Thanks Cobblehiller, Montrose, I am feeling all Christmas-y along with you. Caught the last bit of “It’s a Wonderful Life.” Isn’t that about the First Great Depression? One of these days I’ll have to catch the beginning of it.
The What, even Russia came back after the collapse of the Soviet Union. And we’re nowhere near that — yet. Eventually things will look up.
We have the inspection tomorrow on a house in Ocean Hill with original everything. Still can’t decide though if we should leave our beloved Bushwick. The dilemna is:
Curtain No. 1: Fabulous house museum in OK neighborhood.
Curtain No. 2: OK house in fabulous neighborhood.
YIKES!!! Spoiling something.
I hope it’s soiling something.
I’m sure it is spoiling his holidays.
Did Biff leave? or is he trying to figure out what I meant by my 6:20. He’s reading and re-reading all my words and trying to get a handle on the situation.
Poor guy, I’m always trying to beat him….but in reality he beats himself at this game.
I’m laughing so hard right now!!
I think someone else might ask me for an ‘interview’ also.
Did you have your “interview” yet??