You asked for it, you got it. Here’s your open thread for the day, where you are welcome to talk about anything you want. Let’s still try to keep it PG-13 and as polite as possible. This should be interesting!

You asked for it, you got it. Here’s your open thread for the day, where you are welcome to talk about anything you want. Let’s still try to keep it PG-13 and as polite as possible. This should be interesting!
Anyone know how to run a methadone clinic? I know where there’s some space to rent.
Nope, you’re on topic BRG – The Mets invested with Madoff!
cobblehiller…its the fact that the market has still remained pretty strong through this whole thing that people should focus on.
i found a Spongebob Squarepants ice cream making machine on the street yesterday!
What, I’m so totally blown away by these guys – between Drier and Madoff – my head is spinning!
GREAT…now we have nothing to talk about!
Usually, the posts start in reference to the thread and then veer off. Now there’s no topic to veer from….hhhmmmm.
How bout them Mets!
Thank you Mr. B!
Good then I will set the topic!
Madoff Said to Use Unregistered Side-Unit for Clients (Update2)
Dec. 15 (Bloomberg) — Federal investigators working through the weekend to unravel Bernard Madoff’s alleged $50 billion Ponzi scheme found evidence he ran an unregistered money-management business alongside his firm’s brokerage and investment-advisory subsidiaries, two people with knowledge of the inquiry said.
Honey, could you please get my Hedge Fund on the phone!
**** Ding Ding Ding*** **** The number you just called has been disconnected, No further information is available. ****
The What
Someday this war is gonna end…
i saw The War on Drugs at Union Hall yesterday.
just in case anyone cared.