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  1. Rob- nice one. Just because you haven’t the brains or the wit to come up with a good counter reply, you call names. Doesn’t do much for your cred- no one is going to read your post and think, gee, robb is such an intellect. In fact, you come off like a miserable human being with serious educational lacks.

  2. Ridiculous M4L- give Palin a shot and this country won’t survive another 4 years. Partisan gridlock won;t end until both sides decide they care more about the country than about their party. Palin has neither the chops nor the cojones to accomplish that. Crazy is just crazy.

  3. Moron- coming from you that’s meaningless. And no- that wasn’t what you said although it seems your command of english is deteriorating along with your argument.

    Stick as many fingers in the air as you want, rob. You’re still a fool. And ignorant.

  4. Wrong rob- democracy is all about the fight to give us the right to vote. People came here because they wanted to be free and have a say in their government- something they weren’t allowed in Europe. Pick up a history book, wouldya?

  5. You really don’t understand the meaning of democracy. It’s a shame. And no- choosing not to vote is NOT as important as choosing to vote. It’s just a lot dumber. Your vote is your voice. So since you choose not to use it, STFU already.

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