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  1. dave, dont you have something not being taxed and a gift soon? go attend to it! lol, glad i missed most of today’s OT. economics, the state of the world, politics.. all that shit is seriously SERIOUSLY bugging me out these days. i only see two kinds of people these days, those burying their heads in the sand and those seriously letting it affect their mental health and well-being. anyway, making tacos tonight, yay.


  2. Rob, public school was out for the past week, plus today and tomorrow, back to school on Wednesday. I’d definitely talk to the kid about the skinny dog. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

  3. quote:
    rob – you seem to really care about dogs. you should volunteer at a shelter. there’s one up here called “Barc” that a few co workers volunteer at and really enjoy it.

    um, that’s a moonface hotdog shop that sells 10 dollar hotdogs. please dont tell me they are trying to make people who work there volunteer slinging dogs for free!? i wouldnt be shocked! (but yes id love to volunteer with dogs) but honestly i have no idea how to go about it, and most animals dont particularly take a liking to me. i guess i could clean their waterbowls and stuff tho.


  4. quote:
    But you said he seems very friendly- abused kids don’t normally act outgoing.

    i would never to venture to guess the kid is being abused, tho neglect is a form of abuse, and the kid always wandering around (at least in the late afternoons) with his dog talking to random strangers and stuff (i think they are strangers anyway). as much as it might sound normal that as kids we may have wandered around our neighborhood a lot as kids, it does seem extremely out of the norm these days, especially in supposedly wealthy areas, tho obviously not everyone in park slope is wealthy… well anyway, hopefully someone else has said something to him or at least asked about his dog. personally im not comfortable striking up a convo with a 10 year old, for obvious reasons you know? ugh, i hate when i notice these kinds of things, i never would have even noticed if it wasnt for the what seems like a very sweet but emaciated pitbull.


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