Nope, asked the Canucks some stuff & they are getting back to me. So it may end up taking longer anyway.
I am back in the UK for a week from Monday pm!
I find life is always like this… long flat periods punctuated by occasional utter chaos.
Someone in the ‘rat’ thread yesterday said they didn’t like brownstones and period details. I say we send a couple of rats to protest in front of her house.
You all should watch the video. It’s great and with wonderful old photos.
Thanks cobble!
Too true, etson! Right, you’re going home! Well, I hope it’s a great trip for you!
It is up finally!
I’m actually interested to read the Cadman Plaza story! But we can hijack it, that might get someone’s attention!
Nope, asked the Canucks some stuff & they are getting back to me. So it may end up taking longer anyway.
I am back in the UK for a week from Monday pm!
I find life is always like this… long flat periods punctuated by occasional utter chaos.
Maybe we should just usurp the Cadman Plaza post.
Someone in the ‘rat’ thread yesterday said they didn’t like brownstones and period details. I say we send a couple of rats to protest in front of her house.
Nice one, Expert!
etson, You’re very amusing lately! More so than usual. Say, did you make your BIG decision?