Maybe it’s the Moet Nectar Rose Imperial and Hydrocodone playing tricks on me – but 20/20 is on TV right now and there’s a segment about crazy cat ladies, and I thought of all of you!! 😉
OK…just listened to an interview with John Cusack who is starring in 2012. He said that although the end won’t occur in 2012 it won’t be that far away with global warming.
Supposed to be cold water but if you’re going to use/eat them as soon as they defrost then room temp or warm is fine. Just don’t do warm and then store them.
That’s so sweet of you! You should contact Muffin’s Pet Connection. They will let you list the wee ones on their website, specify that they must be a pair, and then the adopter will come to you to get them. They have to give a small donation (I think $50) to Muffin’s and you get to find new homes for the wee ones. That’s how I got Pia.
Side note…what’s the fastest and safest way to thaw frozen shrimp (and please don’t say microwave! mine went kaput)?
Which of our brownstoner cat ladies do you think is the craziest???
It’s not the cats that make cat ladies crazy. They usually start out that way.
Maybe it’s the Moet Nectar Rose Imperial and Hydrocodone playing tricks on me – but 20/20 is on TV right now and there’s a segment about crazy cat ladies, and I thought of all of you!! 😉
OK…just listened to an interview with John Cusack who is starring in 2012. He said that although the end won’t occur in 2012 it won’t be that far away with global warming.
Muffins. Good idea. I can’t do the Petfinder thing because I’d have to bring them indoors and formerly foster them through someplace etc.
Please I have 5 cats and a human on the way I can’t bring anything else that poops/pees eats inside this house.
Thanks THL. Happy Friday!
**click** lights out
Supposed to be cold water but if you’re going to use/eat them as soon as they defrost then room temp or warm is fine. Just don’t do warm and then store them.
In a bowl with water.
Well, have a great weekend everyone. Snappy feel free to send along any funny videos you come across.
I’m off to check on the wee ones.
That’s so sweet of you! You should contact Muffin’s Pet Connection. They will let you list the wee ones on their website, specify that they must be a pair, and then the adopter will come to you to get them. They have to give a small donation (I think $50) to Muffin’s and you get to find new homes for the wee ones. That’s how I got Pia.
Side note…what’s the fastest and safest way to thaw frozen shrimp (and please don’t say microwave! mine went kaput)?