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  1. Chicken- we saved a refrigerator box for you 🙂

    Mr. Cellophane- LOL!!!! No C Gar, of course you ive with me. Virtually.

    blowfish- if you cat is smelling like ammonia take her to the vet and have her tested. Sometimes an extra strong ammonia scent is from a urinary tract infection.

  2. of course, chicken. But we can’t have the government tax its citizens for healthcare and simply pay the docs because that’s ‘socialism’. So we have to have these convoluted plans that are so complicated no one even understands them.

  3. Denton, so just increase the payments a little bit, decrease the military spending and boondoggles and make the medicare not just for the elderley but for everyone. As Dubbya might have said, “Mission Accomplished”!

    This governing lark seems pretty easy, no?

  4. DIBS, you own so doesn’t count.

    I was interested to see how many people shared accomodation because of economic neccessity – shared bills and a 3-bed place costs less to rent than 3x studio/1-bed apartments.

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