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  1. sebb, I bought quite a bit of gold, coins and ingots, back when the cycle took a nose dive in 1990-91. I still have it all. in a safe.
    I think I bought at 250 and ounce, now gold is at 700 to 800 an ounce. It was a desperation move. I thought the world was going to hell in handbasket. I was young. nonetheless, I still think a little gold and cash in the house is always a good idea. The maple leafs and krugerands are beautiful to look at too.

  2. BRG;

    Why does it surprise you that I iron my own shirt? I also spend one or two nights a week helping my wife with the housework, as she has a condition that causes her to fatigue eeasily. I do have some redeeming features.

    I think you might be confused because yesterday I said that my “Juanita” write-up was a self-parody. I meant “self” in terms of living in Park Slope. However, I am not like that. I grew up in southern Brooklyn, and retain that sensibility. My wife and I are probably the only ones in our building who do NOT have any domestic help. Sometimes my building looks like Grand Central Station with all the nannies and cleaners coming and going.

  3. “So you’re now adding effortless to the list (along with slut, whore and cheap).”

    YOU’VE added it to the list!


    Get a room, for one.
    Outta here.

  4. “”I specialize in Asian equities.”
    Ain’t that the truth!!!!”

    “Hey Lame-o…I mean Biff,”

    “-effortless one, BRG”
    So you’re now adding effortless to the list (along with slut, whore and cheap). Charming.

  5. Hey Lame-o…I mean Biff,
    When’s your last day in the city? I want to make sure I have some ‘nice’ words for you, before you go on your vacation…..HA!
    -effortless one, BRG

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