The other day we told you about a coffee shop in the very early phases of construction on 5th Avenue and 3rd Street, very near to Cafe Martin. And now a tipster tells us another coffee shop, specifically a Swedish cafe, has just opened at 186 5th Avenue, between Berkeley and Lincoln. (This is just a block away from the newcomer Venticinque.) Here’s Park Slope has all the details. As our tipster says, “The number of coffee shops in Park Slope seems to have doubled in the last couple years.” Well, Park Slope is known for its breeding! GMAP

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  1. Although “Infinite Wisdom” is a Slopeite’s natural state, fact is Coffee Shops can’t expand infinitely, as there are just so many storefronts on a block, just so many blocks in a neighborhood.

    This can’t be said for baby carriages, baristas, and outta work creatives … of which unlimited supplies exist.

  2. totally my favorite headline. And so true.

    At least they’re not all one chain; when I lived in the village, I gave people directions to the 6 train down 8th ave by telling them to go past two starbucks, but if they hit the third they’d gone to far. It was maybe six blocks.

  3. it could be bother tho, just cuz it’s a me too me too phenomenom in areas that are over saturated with these kinds of joints, doesnt mean that there cant be successful ones in places where there isnt any. tho i find it hard to believe there is anywhere in the city you can’t get get a cup of coffee. i dont eat mcdonalds, gross, but their coffee is very very good. and very very cheap. i’ll take a cup of theirs over some fair trade gruilt trippy overpriced crap anyday. and if it matters, mcdonalds has wi-fi lol tho i cant imagine sitting in that primary colored over lite hellhole would be very inviting


  4. Rob, am hoping it’s the former cause that would mean there are tons of easy money to be made in other under-represented hoods. that said though, I too think it’s me-too mindset

  5. have looked at books of restaurants. super curious to look at the books of these fancy coffee places and fancy muffin places. their proliferation either indicates margins are super super great or tons of me too mindset here

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