Here’s a rendering for a trio of green, modular townhouses planned for a plot of land in Bed Stuy across the street from Restoration Plaza. Designed by Garrison Architects, the 2,900-square-foot houses have highly efficient heating, insulation and lighting systems. They also look pretty darn good, we think. According to the listing agent, one of the three houses is already spoken for, which is impressive since a $1,300,000 price tag isn’t easy to pull off in this part of town these days. Then again, nothing like this has been done in the area as far as we know. Think they’ll be a market for this approach?
22 New York Avenue – In Contract [Corcoran]
24 New York Avenue [Corcoran] GMAP
24A New York Avenue [Corcoran]


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  1. People are brutally killed in all NYC neighborhoods. It was no where near this location. Also, it doesn’t look to be a random act but a crazed boyfriend. That said these are pricey and the listing doesn’t give much detail about taxes, etc. It says something about an “option” on solar heating.

    Not sure what they are referring to as local “entertainment and dining” though??? The Restoration Applebeees!!!!????

  2. Ok people! I think you better wake up! The Mutant Real Estate Bubble is dead. I know one house sold in Park Slope for 3 million dollars.

    Now the Pupars are promoting “GREEN” in Bed Stuy. LMAO! Maybe someone from the UWS will buy one of these puppies. Look honey, we lives in tha Hood!!!! Yep, the crash is going to be lovely!!

    For those who missed yesterdays rant, here ya go!

    Cognitive dissonance

    Cognitive dissonance is a psychological state that describes the uncomfortable feeling when a person begins to understand that something the person believes to be true is, in fact, not true. Similar to ambivalence, the term cognitive dissonance describes conflicting thoughts or beliefs (cognitions) that occur at the same time, or when engaged in behaviors that conflict with one’s beliefs. In academic literature, the term refers to attempts to reduce the discomfort of conflicting thoughts, by performing actions that are opposite to one’s beliefs.

    Note: to the person who called me a poser, check this out! A poser is a person that suffers from Cognitive dissonance! I harbor no illusions! 4.00 gas is hard to do that!

    The What (My Meds are tasting nasty again)

    Someday this war is gonna end…

  3. Does green have to equal unattractive?
    Those facades look almost fascist-era.
    They don’t look very warm and inviting.
    I’m glad to hear the area is getting stronger and that new blood is coming in.
    I drove by last week and it looked like the same old Bed Stuy to me. But these things take time.

  4. I love those houses, but its a tad rich for my blood.

    I agree with Polemicist that the prices are too high for the area. I’m guessing that its basically a construction/raw materials issue that is affecting the pricing.

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