Upscale Green Townhouses Coming to Bed Stuy
Here’s a rendering for a trio of green, modular townhouses planned for a plot of land in Bed Stuy across the street from Restoration Plaza. Designed by Garrison Architects, the 2,900-square-foot houses have highly efficient heating, insulation and lighting systems. They also look pretty darn good, we think. According to the listing agent, one of…
Here’s a rendering for a trio of green, modular townhouses planned for a plot of land in Bed Stuy across the street from Restoration Plaza. Designed by Garrison Architects, the 2,900-square-foot houses have highly efficient heating, insulation and lighting systems. They also look pretty darn good, we think. According to the listing agent, one of the three houses is already spoken for, which is impressive since a $1,300,000 price tag isn’t easy to pull off in this part of town these days. Then again, nothing like this has been done in the area as far as we know. Think they’ll be a market for this approach?
22 New York Avenue – In Contract [Corcoran]
24 New York Avenue [Corcoran] GMAP
24A New York Avenue [Corcoran]
so i am late to comment here but here is the scoop. A quick search on acris shows the developer bought these properties from a non profit related to Restoration plaza. same architect as restoration plaza. WOnder how far below market this insider thing was taken for.
Also right across from a school yard.. $1.3 is so far out of reality specially financing a jumbo multi family these days..
All this talk about the housing bubble bursting ought to be better focused on the oil bubble bursting. As Paul Krugman pointed on last week in his column in the NY Times, this is NOT an oil bubble, but part of a new reality. And the price of oil effects everything. Food, heating, transportation, plastic…..
So to bring this back home,the price of “green homes” will be rapidly effected by the rising costs of oil. Few want to believe it yet, but the era of cheap energy is over. And energy efficiency will become the new mantra of home ownership. Green home values will far outpace the value of conventional homes because the cost of operating them will more than conpensate for the higher price.
Look at that pathetic wannabe, The What. It’s not just about the new grammar, which is a huge change, it’s an entirely different personality and different message too.
Guess all the digs about him living in Lodi, NJ finally got to the guy.
We KNOW what you are, What. Stop trying to pretend to be an educated New Yorker suddenly. We’re not retarded and we do have a memory.
Convinced 8:44 is wrong.
Convinced Biff Champion is unemployed.
Fulton Street nees trees it seems so empty
BS should tear down all those ugly blocks near Williamsburg down and put St Johns University back to the original location. Bed-Stuy needs something that draws people to the area…
Bedford Stuyvesant is huge just look at it on a map. If you look at a brooklyn map from 1880s you see the area was broken up Bedford Corners, Stuyvesant Heights, Ocean Hill to the east and Tompkins Park in the North… Maybe they should go back to those names so when know what people are talking about in we talk about BS area…
make over Fulton Street and sink the LIRR on Atlantic that would be a great start