Judge Gives Angel Duo The Heisman
So Arthur (shown in photo) and Shahn got the shaft from turf-guarding bureaucrats and now have to remove the entire top portion of the Broken Angel. Read the bizarre story of the judge and her entourage coming to the site and then dawdling in her decision despite the fact that she ended up relying on…
So Arthur (shown in photo) and Shahn got the shaft from turf-guarding bureaucrats and now have to remove the entire top portion of the Broken Angel. Read the bizarre story of the judge and her entourage coming to the site and then dawdling in her decision despite the fact that she ended up relying on the opinion of the DOB engineer that the structure posed an imminent danger. And learn why Shahn and Arthur have decided not to appeal the decision and just rebuild the sucker.
The Hearing, The Verdict, The Decision [Broken Angel Reno]
Clinton Hill Fixture Coming Down After Decades [NY1]
It’s not Ed, it’s a troll. Ignore please.
Troll Troll Troll Troll
how impartial of you brownstoner.
Well Shahn, my sweaty, quivering slab of beef cake, it looks like it’s comeuppance time. Serves you right for being such a prick tease.
Agreed I think these documentaries would be boring. The top does appear unsafe. I don’t know if it is but if it is it should be dismantled.
A film about the Broken Angel?
Now I know this is getting to be dull.
Actually, TWO different people are making documentaries about it.
Actually someone is making a documentary on it.
There are children being abused in foster homes all across our City and yet my taxpayer dollars are going to pay for a judge to traipse around this eyesore. How disappointing.