Pictures can’t really do justice to the latest addition to 4th Avenue’s much-vaunted streetscape and retail scene. Cinder block-o-licious! GMAP

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  1. A few times when I walked past, there were five or six apparently homeless guys camped out in the space. On a day that it was raining, it was SRO. I’m wondering if the building just got tired of chasing people off and decided to seal the space up instead.

  2. Sorry – I didn’t read the whole thread.

    The developer can agree to stabilize the units for incentives (tax breaks etc)

    The city stabilization laws I believe that BOTH things need to happen

    a) rent reaches 2k
    b) household salary 150k (over a certain amount of time)

    my old manhattan apt started out at 1,800 – stabilized, and when it went to 2,000 it was still stabilized because i didn’t make 150k

  3. a stabalized apartment means that it’s an apartment that is regulated by the rent stabalization board of nyc which means it can only go up a certain percentage each year.

    an apartment can cost any amount and still be stabalized.

    however, if a landlord wants to OPT out of the stabalization of an apartment, he can get it unstabalized once it hits 2000 dollars and / or the tenant makes a certain amount of money in income, and or he does a certain amount of renovation (i think 40K to an apt)? not sure about that last part tho.

    im not sure what the benefit is tho for a landlord to keep it stabalized but im sure there must be some reason.


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