Is a Residential Rezoning Coming to McGuinness Blvd?
Last Friday Greenpointers reported back from a Community Board One land-use meeting in which a developer proposed rezoning of a block of McGuinness Boulevard from a manufacturing zone to a residential zone with a commercial overlay. As Greenpointers said, “This stretch of McGuinness between Calyer & Greenpoint is currently home to a gas station, several…

Last Friday Greenpointers reported back from a Community Board One land-use meeting in which a developer proposed rezoning of a block of McGuinness Boulevard from a manufacturing zone to a residential zone with a commercial overlay. As Greenpointers said, “This stretch of McGuinness between Calyer & Greenpoint is currently home to a gas station, several auto parts stores, Key Foods and Risqué Billiards. The owner/developer of 209-231 McGuinness – landlord to Risqué Billiards and Strauss Discount Auto Parts — thinks his site’s highest and best use is a new, 140-unit apartment building.” The developer wants to include affordable units in the development in order to exceed the site’s approved building density: The plan calls for 155,000 square feet, eight stories, 140 units, 90 parking spaces and 23,000 square feet of ground-floor retail space. Residents spoke both in favor and against the plan. Since this was only a hearing, the board made no decision. Even if the board approved, the developer would still have to take up the rezoning with the City Planning Commission before any construction started.
Billiards & Auto Parts to Apartments on McGuinness Blvd? [Greenpointers]
Rendering via Greenpointers
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