19-29-Clay-Street rendering 1

6sqft dug up these renderings of a glassy apartment building for 19-29 Clay Street in Greenpoint, which sits a stone’s throw from the Newtown Creek waterfront in an area booming with development. The design from AB Architekten calls for a 12-story, 70,000-square-foot development across the street from the planned Box Street Park. It would have “three sensitively-scaled volumes,” as well as a parking garage, swimming pool and roof deck.

The site, which is up for sale (price undisclosed), is right next to the just-finished six-story development at 1133 Manhattan Avenue. It’s currently home to a single-story warehouse and a two-story warehouse. However, we’re not sure this development will happen anytime soon.

The owners, Pace Plumbing Company on nearby Box Street, told us they don’t have any plans for the property because they have tenants in place for the next five years. A tenant also confirmed that he has five years remaining on a lease. The owners are going to take the plot off the market soon, according to the broker marketing it.

Click through to see more renderings, including the pool, and what the site looks like now.

Even if it’s not happening, what do you think of the look? It seems clean and modernist, albeit out of scale and character with the neighborhood.

Revealed: AB Architekten’s 29 Clay Street to Bring Manhattan Modernism to Greenpoint [6sqft]

Renderings by AB Architekten

19-29-Clay-Street rendering 2

19-29 clay street 3

19-29-Clay-Street rendering 4

And here’s the current building:

19-29 clay street greenpoint propertyshark 122014

Photo by Christopher Bride for PropertyShark

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  1. My Fathers Family owned the house at 38 Clay Street which is across the street from this proposed new glass structure. I can only imagine what my Grandmother would have thought about the idea of a glassbuilding across the street from her house. The house is no longer in our family, but the daughter of one of my Mom’s old friends now owns the house with all it’s squeaks and creaks. I wonder what she will think if the new proposed building.