Well, that was fast. After opening at 266 Court Street near Butler in Cobble Hill last year, burger joint Five Guys has closed. Big news considering how rapidly they’ve expanded in the area. That leaves five other outlets in Brooklyn, all fairly close in, including one in Brooklyn Heights, one downtown, and one on the border of downtown and Fort Greene. Maybe there are just too many places to get a burger in Cobble Hill? Anyone know the story? Thanks to a reader for tipping us off.
Another Five Guys Coming, This One to Cobble Hill [Brownstoner]

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  1. Like Vinzee’s, this place seemed very cold and unappealing to me. If you want a fancy burger there’s Mooburger. And for a cheap burger Cobble HIll Coffee Shop comes through. Plus all the pubs on Court have burgers. I agree that they were probably counting on families coming to and from the movies.