Yesterday the Brooklyn Eagle turned its gaze toward 52 Jay Street, a three-story, 80,000-square-foot Dumbo warehouse being marketed by Massey Knakal as a potential conversion or development site. The owner is asking $200 per square foot for the second and third floors and $150 per square foot for the development rights, and the article said there have already been a bunch of offers for it. Considering the state of the Dumbo market and the potential to build up to a 150,000-square-foot mixed-use site, we’re guessing the site won’t be on the market long. The only thing that might give buyers pause is that the property is in the neighborhood’s historic district. GMAP

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  1. chris, many of the big decisions that the LPC make are politically fraught. And they all set precedents. It would be very difficult for them to deny the demolition of this warehouse when the public record indicates that they allowed the demolition of a much finer one across the street.
    They cannot say: “yes, but the mayor made us”. They have to accept the precedent and deal with it.

  2. bk: the landmarks commission needs to apply the same statute to any applicant. there isn’t one standard for Parks and one for condos. If there were, one would think it would be more stringent for parks.