squirrelblacked01.jpgSo here’s a strange one. We got a call from our tenant yesterday morning that there was a dead squirrel in our front yard. Not just a dead squirrel, she said, but a squirrel that looked like it had been shot. Say what? When we got home in the late afternoon we were rather taken aback to find that she had not been exaggerating. A squirrel with a gaping hole the size of a golf ball in its neck had been deposited in front of the door under the stoop. It’s a pretty gruesome photo, so we’ve put the unedited version on the jump to enable selective viewing, but we’re wondering if anyone else has encountered anything like this? Do you think it was some kind of horrible Halloween prank? A message from a developer who’s been on the receiving end of an unfavorable review on the site? Strange days indeed. Most peculiar Mama.
WARNING: Photo on the jump shows a mutilated dead squirrel.


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  1. I am waiting to call Animal Control in my town because we had a dead squirrel in my front yard Sunday and we disposed of it in the alley in quadrupled plastic bags and straw, but the next day this dead squirrel was back in the front yard, bags and all only this time and I won’t take a picture, it was stripped and gutted. We do have a possum in the neighborhood so your squirrel is not as bad as the one I am not disposing of this time. Talk about gross. Now to find a way to get rid of this possum or whatever animal did this thing to this rat with a furry tail. No I will not dispose of it this time…it’s a rat with rabies and all other manner of disease.

  2. I am waiting to call Animal Control in my town because we had a dead squirrel in my front yard Sunday and we disposed of it in the alley in quadrupled plastic bags and straw, but the next day this dead squirrel was back in the front yard, bags and all only this time and I won’t take a picture, it was stripped and gutted. We do have a possum in the neighborhood so your squirrel is not as bad as the one I am not disposing of this time. Talk about gross. Now to find a way to get rid of this possum or whatever animal did this thing to this rat with a furry tail. No I will not dispose of it this time…it’s a rat with rabies and all other manner of disease.

  3. i just wanted to say that as a dog walker i havent seen many around in the usual places my dog likes to go squirrles were plenty last year .has anybody else noticed

  4. Can we please get back to how unbelievable Mr. B’s comment is that he thinks there’s a possibility that this is a threat from a developer? The hubris is unbelievable…

    I would like to believe what I’m sure will be protestations of “irony” (of course presented after the fact given all the more logical explanations above, excluding of course The What/Allen’s comments) but given the unbelievably sanctimonious tone of this guy re: architecture and developers I’m just not so sure…

  5. bstoner, you saw:

    “A squirrel with a gaping hole the size of a golf ball in its neck…”

    Cancer. Definitely neck cancer. And the squirrel was one of the four billion uninsured squirrels in America. Hence, no chemo or radiation for that tumor.

  6. Wasn’t this the afternoon of November 1st? I bet it wasn’t just any cat the night before, but a black one.

    I mean, it’s Halloween, and those cats, you know, they get all evil then. 😉

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