The president of the CLEXY Block Association, which covers Classon, Quincy and Lexington in Bed-Stuy, wrote in about concerns the association has regarding safety on Classon Avenue. In particular, the block association wants a “No Left Turn” sign put in at the intersection of Atlantic Avenue and Classon Avenue, and clear and prominent signage along Atlantic Avenue designating Bedford as the route for eastbound arena traffic to access the BQE. The president of the block association, Laura Benko, says the following: “Recently streets along Atlantic preceding Classon have all NO LEFT TURNS signs, except for Classon. Classon is almost exclusively a residential street and yet it is being targeted to carry the load of thousands of more cars for event traffic leaving the stadium. In addition, it is a NON- TRUCK route, yet the DOT does not answer hundreds of our 311 requests to get signage that says: NO TRUCKS (except for deliveries).” There’s a petition out now with 400 signatures already. If you’re interested in signing it, there’s going to be a table at the corner of Lexington and Classon this Saturday from 10-2pm. The 500th person to sign will receive a “No Left Turns On Classon” t-shirt.
Photo by Laura Benko

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