Closing Bell: Fundraiser Tomorrow for Bed Stuy Book Store
The other day the Bed Stuy Patch wrote about the uncertain future for the True North Bookstore, located at 492 Nostrand Avenue. Over the weekend True North’s owner, Monroe Brown, suffered a stroke that left him in critical condition. Now his son, Ajamu Brown, is trying to take care of the bookstore and decide what…

The other day the Bed Stuy Patch wrote about the uncertain future for the True North Bookstore, located at 492 Nostrand Avenue. Over the weekend True North’s owner, Monroe Brown, suffered a stroke that left him in critical condition. Now his son, Ajamu Brown, is trying to take care of the bookstore and decide what to do with it. As he told the Patch, “I don’t believe the business was profitable. I know for sure that my father was financing this business for a while from his own personal money, because he felt the resources and the space was so important to the community.” So he is holding a fundraiser for the business tomorrow evening. He’s asking that the community stop by, buy a book, make a donation, and provide input on what they’d like the space to become. The lease for the business is up in October so it’s uncertain if they’ll remain in this location. The book sale and potluck fundraiser is Wednesday July 24 from 7 pm to 10 pm. It’ll be held at the bookstore, at 492 Nostrand Avenue.
Community to Decide the Importance, Future of True South Bookstore [Bed Stuy Patch]
Photo by Bed Stuy Patch
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