Closing Bell: "Brooklyn Eats Manhattan"
This morning Jeremiah’s Vanishing New York wondered about the increasing “Brooklynization of Manhattan” and lists a few prime examples of Brooklyn finding its way over the river. (See: The Brooklyneer, Pop’s of Brooklyn at NYU and the “Brooklyn takeover” at the LES Ideas Fest.) Says VNY: “It’s a kind of reverse gentrification, but more twisted,…
This morning Jeremiah’s Vanishing New York wondered about the increasing “Brooklynization of Manhattan” and lists a few prime examples of Brooklyn finding its way over the river. (See: The Brooklyneer, Pop’s of Brooklyn at NYU and the “Brooklyn takeover” at the LES Ideas Fest.) Says VNY:
“It’s a kind of reverse gentrification, but more twisted, a sort of Mobius Strip of gentrification in which the New Brooklyn, which exists because it was priced out of Manhattan 10 years ago, and which sort of (but not really) resembles the old Manhattan, is coming back to Manhattan, extruded through the New Brooklyn ringer, like artisanal sausage, a kind of monster-mash of flavors, so that it feels nothing quite like Manhattan ever did and only like parts of Brooklyn have come to be in recent years. Which is to say–it feels like somewhere not New York at all.”
As FNY concludes, “Manhattan’s cast-off children are getting big enough to eat the mother that rejected them.” So is it only a matter of time before Brooklyn outright devours Manhattan?
Brooklyn Eats Manhattan [VNY]
Photo via The L
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