DNAinfo.com reports on the city possibly making moves on that 30 acres of park land promised to North Brooklyn seven years ago (and still nowhere to be seen). The New York City Economic Development Corporation requested proposals from developers to buy air rights to 65 Commercial Street, a waterfront lot by Newtown Creek that still houses MTA trams. This would theoretically give the city enough funds to relocate the trams and start working on a green space at that site. According to DNAinfo, “The air rights… would allow a developer nearby to construct denser and higher buildings according to zoning rules. The land at 65 Commercial St. would remain in use by the city to create the park.” This money is necessary for the park to actually get completed. RFPs are due by August 30th.
City Attempts to Develop Long-Stalled Greenpoint Park [DNAinfo]
65 Commercial Street, via DNAinfo and by Friends of Bushwick Inlet Park

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