Berkeley Bump Bungle?
The residents of Berkeley Place between 7th and 8th Avenues in Park Slope are beside themselves over the appearance this week of four two brand-spankin’-new speed bumps, with eight bright “BUMP” signs to match. Didn’t know there was a speeding problem on that block? Either did the folks who live there. In fact, the person…
The residents of Berkeley Place between 7th and 8th Avenues in Park Slope are beside themselves over the appearance this week of four two brand-spankin’-new speed bumps, with eight bright “BUMP” signs to match. Didn’t know there was a speeding problem on that block? Either did the folks who live there. In fact, the person who sent in this photo said she had heard that the bumps were actually supposed to go on Lincoln Place to slow traffic outside the Berkeley Carroll School but that there was some kind of mix up at DOT. Whoops. Update: A reader is claiming that there was no bungle after all and that Berkeley was the rightful recipient of both bumps.
Honestly… I looked at that photo and I didn’t even notice the BUMP signs. You’re all very odd people and sensitive about the strangest things.
It’s not the signs that are ugly, it’s all the f***ing cars parked on the side of the street.
Imagine how nice that street would look with wider sidewalks and more trees. It’s not as if the residents really need cars. There’s a subway stop only a block away.
And of course, the cars don’t fit in the historic district either. There were no cars when the homes were built, so parking should require some kind of variance.
So my vote, is no signs, but make the street free of automobile traffic as well.
hah, don’t remember that one from the UK itself. The old British term for them is ‘sleeping policemen’.
My favorite street sign in Singapore, Bahrain, and a few other nations formerly under British “supervision”: “Humps Ahead”.
Not half a mile from Berkely Place hundreds of thousands of our fellow NYers live on blocks where the color of the street signs and the speed people drive is not exactly a priority.
Some folks really do live on a different planet. Amazing. If you can afford to live on Berkely Place btwn 7th and 8th Ave count your damm blessings and enjoy yourselves.
“Those of us who also live on Berkeley and find those BUMP signs unsightly and damaging to the character of the street, should try to get them removed.”
I’m down. Got a saw?
I have it on authority, my eyes, that there are NO blocks in the historic district of Park Slope, except blocks with a school, that have speed bumps.
The Berkeley-Carrol School has asked for speed bumps on Lincoln between 7th and 8th Ave for years(one block over from Berkeley, coincidentally.) I think it is obvious that if the school was called Lincoln-Carrol school the bumps would be where they belong, on Lincoln.
Those of us who also live on Berkeley and find those BUMP signs unsightly and damaging to the character of the street, should try to get them removed.
WOW, and i thought I was a loon.
It’s true, between speeding and running red lights, the cops just look the other way. I was crossing the street last week and a car plowed through a red light. A cop was standing right there, too busy reading a magazine to notice, while a bunch of us pedestrians yelled at the driver.