The residents of Berkeley Place between 7th and 8th Avenues in Park Slope are beside themselves over the appearance this week of four two brand-spankin’-new speed bumps, with eight bright “BUMP” signs to match. Didn’t know there was a speeding problem on that block? Either did the folks who live there. In fact, the person who sent in this photo said she had heard that the bumps were actually supposed to go on Lincoln Place to slow traffic outside the Berkeley Carroll School but that there was some kind of mix up at DOT. Whoops. Update: A reader is claiming that there was no bungle after all and that Berkeley was the rightful recipient of both bumps.

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  1. Looking at the photo, I’m wondering if anybody knows why some bicycle lanes are painted Kermit the Frog green and others are simply marked by two white lines? Speaking of white lines, whatever happened to Grandmaster Flash?

  2. lechacal, I don’t think information like that should be shared unless the actual poster volunteers it in the same thread. Just my opinion.

    “It wouldn’t be the first time DOT put up the wrong sign or placed something on the wrong street.”
    True, I’m pleasantly surprised they got the actual neighbourhood right; although Park Slope is pretty big – and its borders are expanding daily.

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