$14M Committed to Convert the Bedford-Atlantic Armory
NY1 reports that city leaders committed a total of $14 million to transform the Bedford-Atlantic Armory. After a rash of playground and park shootings over the summer, local pols are hoping this can be a safe recreational space for kids. The Park Slope Armory, which took $16 million to restore, is being used as a…

NY1 reports that city leaders committed a total of $14 million to transform the Bedford-Atlantic Armory. After a rash of playground and park shootings over the summer, local pols are hoping this can be a safe recreational space for kids. The Park Slope Armory, which took $16 million to restore, is being used as a model. Some funding has come from the Department of Homeless Services, which operates a men’s shelter at the armory, and it’s been suggested that funding may come from building affordable housing on the lot next door. There’s also been talk to convert the Bedford Union Armory down in Crown Heights South.
Leaders Hope To Convert Brooklyn Armory Into Community Space [NY1]
Photo by Geneva25
Please build an olympic size pool here, or two. People could really benefit from regular lap swimming, and can alleviate the congestion in the Bed Stuy YMCA pool.