Montrosini the Great Looks Towards 2010
It’s time for our year end predictions of what’s going to happen in 2010. Has the economy bottomed? Will real estate prices go lower, or start to rise again? Will jobs return to NY, and what kind of jobs and industries are going to fuel our return to the center of the universe? What are…

It’s time for our year end predictions of what’s going to happen in 2010. Has the economy bottomed? Will real estate prices go lower, or start to rise again? Will jobs return to NY, and what kind of jobs and industries are going to fuel our return to the center of the universe? What are we going to see in our neighborhoods? Will people finally stop asking if it’s safe to live in Bed Stuy and Crown Heights, or will the conversation turn back to asking how many people are legally able to share a one bedroom, one bath, brownstone floor-through in Park Slope? Will Miss Muffet buy this year, or will DaveInBedStuy have to sell his 18th century antiques to keep the house? Montrosini the Great predicts many comments. Don’t make me have to wear this hat all week!
Image by Bxgrl.
wait, wait… so is Crown Heights “safe”?
I second that! Love the MM edition of Brownstoner; great job.
Oh shoot, the iPhone. Should be: Montrose takes over Brownstoner! Yay!
Montrose taks over Brownstoner! yay!e
“India, Brazil and China will continue to deal death to the American economy ”
Economics (and economies) are not a zero sum game – if BRIC countries do better it does not follow that the U.S. does worse.
Legion please commit now to check back in a year, and agree now to humbly acknowledge not a single prediction of yours comes even close to occurring….(you do realize that TV news is just entertainment dont you???)
Jester is actually a closet social-Darwinist
> In short, we’re fucked.
Go ahead and check “becoming more well-spoken” off your list. Your brevity is admirable.
“Sarah Palin will become an American Idol judge and quit Dancing with the stars. After one week.”
Looking ahead to a new year, I plan on becoming more well-spoken, more educated, better dressed/groomed, widening my experiences, and accomplishing some personal milestones.
For the nation, the most interesting future trend to watch is what will become of Gen Y as they age into the brink of the 30s. Sadly they have come to dominate almost every sphere of culture and I can only hope they will grow into full maturity and approach at least somewhat of a more independent, individualistic, altruistic streak.
I also look forward to Gen Z aging into the college years and what their obsessions/preoccupations will be.
The birth rate among stupid people still needs to be checked – parental licensure laws anyone? I already get routinely complimented for being well-read and a seeming know-it-all from people who should know better; the fact that my vote and the votes of any one reality show participant count the same seems grossly unjust.
India, Brazil and China will continue to deal death to the American economy while Americans preoccupy themselves with the New Pursuit of Happiness (i.e. surfing the web for homemade porn and ingesting substances).
In short, we’re fucked.