Front Page Forum: Gifts for Brokers?
On the Brownstoner Forum today, a reader writes, “I’m buying my first apartment and the closing will take place in a few days. Do I get a gift for my real estate broker?” With nine responses so far, the answer is a unanimous “No!” If we recall correctly, the listing broker who sold our apartment…

On the Brownstoner Forum today, a reader writes, “I’m buying my first apartment and the closing will take place in a few days. Do I get a gift for my real estate broker?” With nine responses so far, the answer is a unanimous “No!” If we recall correctly, the listing broker who sold our apartment in Manhattan for us gave us a gift, and other commenters note having received gifts from brokers like a book about Brooklyn and a stress ball in the shape of a house. But this one comment kinda sums up the consensus about giving presents to brokers: “You got her a gift: 3% of the value of your new apartment.” If any brokers are reading, have you ever gotten gifts and what do you think of the practice?
Do I Get a Gift for my Broker? [Forum]
I think brokers should give gifts, but when giving gifts I really like
They do really nice custom real estate broker baskets–it takes the confusion out of what to give. I am curious to hear what other people hav given…
What is a broker supposed to do after you go into contract, still pissed off?
I dont think a gift for a broker is necessary either as they are well paid professionals (I dont give gifts to my lawyer or my accountant). But so many of the posters are complaining about tips/gifts to service personnel and personal friends. If you can afford to live in a multimillion dollar home, loosen up the purse strings a bit!
Until I felt too guilty to continue, whenever I saw a jar that said, “Tips for college,” I always inserted a slip of paper that advised, “Go to a SUNY school.”
I have been both a real estate agent and a real estate buyer. Typically the agent should give the present to the buyer. I received a $100 gift certificate to a restaurant in the area I bought my previous apartment from my agent, and he received a large commission from the sellers of the apartment. I have also sold a place and gave a present to the buyers.
I have been both a real estate agent and a real estate buyer. Typically the agent should give the present to the buyer. I received a $100 gift certificate to a restaurant in the area I bought my previous apartment from my agent, and he received a large commission from the sellers of the apartment. I have also sold a place and gave a present to the buyers.
Why not? In the past 10 years, we seem to give gifts to everyone: bride-requested bridal showers, registry gifts, office gifts for everyone in the office, “tip” jars at coffee shops…
What are you kidding. The gift we brokers receive is the opportunity to work with all of you wonderful buyers and sellers! Gifts should never be mandated in any profession of course or else they really aren’t gifts.
Our upstate agent gave us a bottle of champagne and also broke out a second bottle at the closing, so everyone could celebrate. I thought it was a nice touch.