gift_box111.jpgOn the Brownstoner Forum today, a reader writes, “I’m buying my first apartment and the closing will take place in a few days. Do I get a gift for my real estate broker?” With nine responses so far, the answer is a unanimous “No!” If we recall correctly, the listing broker who sold our apartment in Manhattan for us gave us a gift, and other commenters note having received gifts from brokers like a book about Brooklyn and a stress ball in the shape of a house. But this one comment kinda sums up the consensus about giving presents to brokers: “You got her a gift: 3% of the value of your new apartment.” If any brokers are reading, have you ever gotten gifts and what do you think of the practice?
Do I Get a Gift for my Broker? [Forum]

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  1. I have received occasional gifts from clients, but totally do not expect them, and I always get a gift for my clients, even renters.

    If you really like your broker, the best gift you can give him/her is to refer your friends, relatives, etc. A nice card is also appreciated.

  2. I think brokers are in the best position to be giving out gifts. Like this one today …

    “‘The numbers are the numbers,’ says Tom Kunz, CEO of Century21 Real Estate, a division of privately held Realogy. ‘People are going to come home tonight, have dinner, turn on the TV, and see that home sales declined. They’re going to look at that and say ‘Hell, I’ll sit on the fence.’”

  3. As a broker, I always gift a gift to both the seller and the buyer. I’ve never expected a gift from either seller or buyer but to my surprise, one of my buyers has just offered me and my family a week at his beach house for helping him with a very difficult purchase! Very thoughtful and appreciated.

  4. I don’t know. I sorta think a $100K or $120K commission (to someone I don’t really trust but am told I have a need to use) for selling a semi-decent three bedroom in a semi-decent area is sufficient, but maybe 12:07’s right and I should loosen the purse strings.

  5. I always buy a gift for the sellers of a property. I always buy a house warming gift for the buyers as well.
    Mnay of my agents receive flowers, candy, from the buyers and sellers. In a city that is less inhabited by peple who perform their job well, I always make sure I show my appreciation. It is a New York thing. I know, you don’t tip
    service people either. I always receive cards and flowers when I do residential pwork. My parents, New Yorkers, taught me to show my appreciation. That way when you need a favor, you receive a favor. I haven’t bothered to read the responces, I’m sure they are insipid. You must be over eighteen to use this website, correct? No I haven’t proofed my response, fodder for the …on

  6. I always buy a gift for the sellers of a property. I always buy a house warming gift for the buyers as well.
    Mnay of my agents receive flowers, candy, from the buyers and sellers. In a city that is less inhabited by peple who perform their job well, I always make sure I show my appreciation. It is a New York thing. I know, you don’t tip
    service people either. I always receive cards and flowers when I do residential pwork. My parents, New Yorkers, taught me to show my appreciation. That way when you need a favor, you receive a favor. I haven’t bothered to read the responces, I’m sure they are insipid. You must be over eighteen to use this website, correct? No I haven’t proofed my response, fodder for the …on

  7. Our broker gave my husband and I a box full of bbq food (meat, poultry, fish) 2 weeks after our closing after we moved into Fort Greene. I don’t eat meat, but it was a nice thought.

    We did not gift our Broker, it was my understanding that the commission covered that…

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